- The Organization of Conscientious
MNF inform students in high schools about how
they can become conscientious objectors. MNF hand out leaflets
and notes at sessioner. MNF make happenings in the street to make
people aware about our existence. MNF have two offices - one i
Copenhagen and one i Aarhus. MNF publish a booklet of advice
named Militærnægtervilkår (Conditions for Conscientious
Objectors) and participate in international work (participation
in conferences, solidarity actions etc.)
Some History...
The organization of conscientious objectors in
Denmark, Militærnægterforeningen (or MNF), was founded in
January 1967. The reasons for founding the organization were on
one hand wishes to improve the conditions of the conscientious
objectors (COs) and, on the other, a wish for stronger ties
between former and present COs in order to give strength to the
struggle for the dissemination of antimilitarism.
Though the MNF is part of the Danish peace
movement, it has its main concerns within the area of
conscription. The organization has its office in Copenhagen and
here you can receive information as well as advice and guidance
in connection with all sorts of questions about conscientious
objection. We inform about the draft, the selective system,
examination before the Draft (Medical) Board, and about
applications to become a CO. Remember, it's never too late to say
NO to the military!
You can call us or write to us for further
information or contact. Among other things we offer our guidance
pamphlet called "Militærnægtervilkår" (Conditions of
Conscientious Objectors - for the time being the pamphlet is only
available in Danish). You will find our address and phone number
at the bottom of this page.
You can also read our programme of principles or the story of the MNF - past and present. The
activists from the MNF are usually agitating in connection with draft board examinations. You can read about the draft examination (the "session") and about informative meetings for students at high school
The MNF's Analysis of the Conscientious
Every year, when the inducted COs start their
service at the school of COs in Slagelse, the MNF makes an
analysis of their attitudes to the following subjects :
As the analysis will show, the primary motive
for becoming a CO does not always spring from profound pacifism.
Some COs might actually be called objectors of convenience.
In a number of other countries convenience is
not much of an issue at all. You can read about the Turkish CO, Osman Murat Ulke, and his long struggle to be recognized as a CO.
The MNF publishes the magazine NB
(four times a year), the pamphlet
"Militærnægtervilkår" (Conditions of Conscientious
Objection), as well as a few other special publications whenever
the occasion so requires. The annual subscription fee (membership
including the NB magazine) is DKr 150,- a year. You can contact
the MNF electronically via or at the
following address :
Dronningensgade 14, 1420 København K. Phone : +45 31 57 67 25
(from Sep. 29th 1998 : +45 32 57 67 25); fax no. : +45 32 95 44
Office hours every Tuesday and Thursday
between 6 and 8 p.m.