WHO WE ARE We are a group of foreigners from NATO countries living in Denmark – mostly British and American – who deplore NATOs enthusiasm for military responses to complex and delicate problems. Because this war is being fought in our names, we believe that we who oppose the war have a particular obligation, as members of democratic societies, to make our opposition heard. WHAT WE WANT We insist that NATO end its attacks IMMEDIATELY and pursue a diplomatic dialogue with all concerned parties, including Russia and China, and a resolution under full UN supervision and control. WHY WE OPPOSE THE WAR NATOs war has worsened the situation for Kosovar Albanians and created a humanitarian disaster worse than before. NATO has escalated its attacks to where almost every installation within Yugoslavia is seen as a legitimate target, unjustifiably endangering civilians and destroying Yugoslavia's infrastructure. NATOs war is destabilizing the region and creating the potential for "accidents" that could lead to a military confrontation with Russia or China or both. NATO has no moral standing to bomb Yugoslavia to punish atrocities that are comparable to atrocities that NATOs members conduct or support (e.g., Turkey's "ethnic cleansing" of the Kurds). NATO is violating international legal prohibitions against the use of force and has illegally usurped UN authority to decide when force is permitted. NATO is bombing Yugoslavia to punish its refusal to sign the documents presented to it at Rambouillet, which would have given NATO the right to occupy ALL of Yugoslavia as well as obligated it to restructure its economy to a Western-style free-market system. We reject NATOs assumption that its citizens should play the role only of passive consumers of pro-war media. The decision to wage war should only be made after serious and critical debate, and should reside in the public, not in a distant elite. WHAT WE DO We are planning peaceful demonstrations at embassies of the NATO countries and Danish government offices, and sponsoring debates, informational meetings, talks and press articles on the situation in the Balkans and larger questions concerning NATOs motives and legitimacy. HOW TO JOIN US We meet every week. E-mail us at, or call Gregory Smith (35 55 19 93), Steve Tett (32 97 64 14) or Mark Whittaker (35 36 93 80) between 9AM and 9PM. We welcome all persons of any nationality. Meetings are held in English.
This war is a direct test of our democratic commitments.
Please join us and help in any way you can. |